
Your Local Criminal Defense Attorney

Breaking any law in South Carolina can result in dire consequences as all SC crimes have minimum sentences. It does not matter if it's a serious traffic violation, assault, DUI, DUAC, drug possession, or violent crime.  

Don’t Make a Bad Situation Worse 

The consequences can include jail time, prison sentence(s), community service, probation, and steep fines. If you skip court or violate your probation a bench warrant will be issued and that will only make your bad situation worse. Let our criminal defense lawyers help you. 
Client Talking with the Lawyer — Pawleys Island, SC — Weathers Law Firm LLC


As your defense attorneys, the ultimate goal for your case is to have all charges dropped or dismissed. It's sometimes referred to as 'beating the charges.' Our  Pawleys Island, South Carolina criminal lawyer will thoroughly review your case and explain all possible options to you so you can make the most informed decision possible. Should you have a prior criminal, DUI, DAUC, or traffic ticket history having your charges dropped may not be possible. Regardless, you can trust Attorney Gregory R. Weathers to obtain the best possible outcome for you. 

Contact Weather’s Law for a Free Consultation

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